Subject Leader:
A member of the middle leadership team supported by the mathematics team; a team of teachers with particular responsibility for mathematics.
Mathematics National Curriculum
Please click for the Mathematics National Curriculum
That mathematics is valued as a core subject. That all pupils, regardless of background and prior knowledge, develop their mathematical knowledge within distinct domains (Number: Number and place value, Number: Additional and Subtraction, Fractions etc.). Our pupils make connections between these domains and increase their fluency, mathematical reasoning and competency in solving increasingly sophisticated problems.
That we assess mathematics regularly to ensure a good pace of progress for all pupils as they move through the curriculum. That interventions are in place for pupils not making progress.
That we have chosen to teach mathematics using Ark’s Mathematics curriculum as it covers the Early Years’ Framework and National Curriculum. It takes account of up-to-date research with regard to the retention of mathematical knowledge and aligns with our own curriculum intent: academically ambitious for all; knowledge-rich; discipline-led and logically sequenced. It has the flexibility to personalise it for our pupils so that we are able to use our professional expertise particularly our understanding of the local context and how our pupils learn best and achieve well.
That pupils are taught through explicit instruction, using evidence-based strategies consistently across the different key stages. That we teach pupils to become skilled mathematicians, so they can communicate their learning confidently to a variety of audiences. That we provide pupils with opportunities to discuss, debate and form opinions about how they have approached their learning; their working out and final answer.
That pupils are taught to develop positive attitudes to mathematics and this is modelled by their teachers and learning support assistants.
That we value our partnership with parents/carers in encouraging their child’s enjoyment of mathematics at home and their support for home learning.
Mathematics is taught regularly throughout the school, both as a discrete subject and through cross-curricular links with foundation subjects such as PE and Computing. Teaching and learning begins in the Nursery. Please visit our Year Group Mathematics pages (links on the left) to learn more about what is taught in each year group throughout the year.
We are also pleased to be able to share a short video from Ark which contains further information about how parents and carers can support their child with Mathematics at home.