Learning can only take place when a child feels secure, happy and well-cared for. We make every effort to ensure starting the nursery and reception classes is a welcoming experience for children and parents. All our admission and transfer arrangements aim to give parents the best possible information so that we can establish and continue to develop the very important partnership between home and school.
At every stage of the admissions process we arrange opportunities for parents to talk to staff and also to receive written information. If anything is unclear we encourage parents to contact the school office at Our administrative staff are very happy to explain any aspect of admission to parents.
We are proud to be part of The Elliot Foundation Academies Trust (TEFAT), a multi-academy trust specialising in primary education. TEFAT is the Admissions Authority for all of its schools, meaning the Trust is responsible for determining the admissions arrangements and managing any subsequent processes for its schools. Further information can be found on TEFAT's website:
Admissions to Hillingdon Primary School are managed in accordance with our published Admissions Criteria, which can be downloaded by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page.
It is recommended that parents and carers submitting additional medical / psychological information to support their child’s admission application to Hillingdon Primary School refer to our supplementary information leaflet (below) for further guidance prior to submitting their child's application.
The Academy has now determined the admissions policy for entry into the academic year 2024/25, which can be viewed by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page.
Children with Special Educational Needs
Parents must apply via the SEN Team at the London Borough of Hillingdon for all children who have been granted an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) (previously known as a Statement). SEN Admissions are based at the London Borough of Hillingdon, Civic Centre and can be contacted on 01895 250489. You can also access more information by clicking on the following link
Hillingdon Primary School have published an Information Report and Local Offer for Children with Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND). Please click here to learn more and read the document in full.
Note: General enquiries about admissions can be made by contacting the school office at or phoning us on 01895 590087.
If you are applying for a Reception place for your child to start school for the first time you should call the London Borough of Hillingdon Admissions Team at the Civic Centre on 01895 556644.
Prospective parents are very welcome to visit the school. Please contact the school office for a suitable appointment.