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Admission Appeals


This section has been prepared to assist parents who wish to lodge an appeal because, through the normal operation of the school’s admission policy, their child/ren have not been allocated a place at Hillingdon Primary School.

Who is responsible for making admission decisions?

Decisions regarding school admissions are made by The Elliot Foundation Academy Trust.  The LA co-ordinates admissions to Reception, however, the Trust decides whether they can offer a place in the school in accordance with our published admission criteria. We also arrange our own admissions for applications received outside the normal admissions rounds (i.e. in-year applications.)

What do I do if I am unhappy with the decision?

If you have not been offered a place for your child at Hillingdon Primary School then you have the right to appeal.  The Elliot Foundation Academy Trust have prepared guidance for parents / carers on submitting an appeal which can be found on their website:

All appeals must be submitted on our Admission Appeals Form, which can be found at the bottom of this page.

Completed Admission Appeals forms should be returned to the Admissions' Officer either via email ( or to the school address.

Timetable for Appeals for Admission to Reception 2024

Appeals for entry into primary school for September 2024 can be made from National Offer Day (Tuesday 16th April 2024) until Wednesday 15th May 2024.  Appeals submitted within this timescale will be heard by the end of the summer term 2024. 

Appeals can be submitted after the deadline; however, there is no guarantee that the appeal hearing will still be arranged before the end of the summer term.